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Jury of the 1st Annual Photo Exhibition of University of Tehran

دکتر محمد ستاری

Dr. Mohammad Satari
Born in 1960, Mashhad – Writer, Researcher and Professor of Photography
Bachelor of Photography Graduate, Masters of Art Research Graduate from University of Tehran, PHD of Art Research (Photography Major) Graduate from Art University of Tehran

He has a PHD degree in photography and is a member of the Faculty of Photography Department of Fine Arts Faculty of University of Tehran. Sattari is a member of the founding board of the Iranian Photographers Association, a judge of three national and international photo biennials of Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art, a judge of more than 𝟿𝟶 photo festivals and competitions in Iran, a representative of the FIAP International Federation in Iran from 1994 to 1999 and etc.
His essays and translations of books include: Photography in the 20th Century, The Evolution of Photography, Introductory Photography 1&2, Agha Reza the First Professional Photographer of Iran, The Last Heir to the Qajar Crown, Silver Windows, Introduction Book of the City Museum and Photo Gallery, The 18-Volume Book Collection of Encyclopedia of Knowledge, Traditional Arts of Iran, Innovators in the Field of Photography and etc. His works count to more than 40 books.

مهرداد نجم‌آبادی

Mehrdad Nadjmabadi
Born in 1959, Tehran – Photography Teacher
Bachelor of Photography Graduate, Masters of Art Research Graduate from University of Tehran, College of Fine Arts

He is a well-known figure in the Iran’s academic photography field and since 1994 he has been teaching the history of photography and photography workshops at the University of Tehran. He studied photography and art research at the College of Fine Arts in Tehran and had a great impact on photography students of Tehran University by teaching in these three decades. Many photography students have been introduced to the history of photography and the works of outstanding photographers for the first time in his class, and many others photos have been guided and developed by his side.
In his artistic career, he has been the judge of Tehran University’s Photo Annuals and Iran Photo Biennial, supervising and managing student exhibitions inside and outside the Iran, participating in several group exhibitions, Collaboration can be seen in the authoring of several books as well as the authentication of albums and photographs of the Qajar period.

مهران مهاجر

Mehran Mohajer
Born in 1964, Tehran- Photographer, translator and photography teacher
Bachelor of photography graduate from University of Tehran, masters of linguistics from the College of Literature, University of Tehran

He has translated books in the fields of photography, art and literature. so far, he has held more than fifteen solo photo exhibitions. Mehran Mohajer is currently teaching at the College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran.

غزاله هدایت

Ghazaleh Hedayat
Born in 1979, Tehran – photography teacher and contemporary artist
Bachelor of photography graduate from College of Art and Architecture of Tehran Islamic Azad University, masters of new arts from academy of art, University of San Francisco, USA.

In addition to photography, Hedayat has used video media to create her pieces. as a teacher, she has cooperated with various universities, including University of Tehran, Islamic Azad University and Al-zahra University. She has also held many individual and group exhibitions in Tehran, as well as in America, Spain, England, France, etc. she has also won the Delfina Art Residency Award in London and the Anderson Ranch Art center in Colorado.

ساسان افشارزاده

Sasan AfsharZadeh
Bachelor of photography graduate from College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran and masters of photography graduate from Art University of Tehran

He has held many individual and group photo exhibitions. Afsharzadeh was also a photography teacher and a member of the photography College of Tehran University.

یوسف زینال‌زاده

Yusof Zeynalzadeh
Born in 1960, Tehran – Photography teacher
Bachelor of photography graduate from College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran and masters of photography graduate from Art University of Tehran.

Zeynalzadeh, who has teaching experience in various universities, is the representative of Tehran university’s College of visual Arts in the National Organization For Educational Testing. He is also in charge of holding the entrance examination for the photography major for National Organization For Educational Testing and Education Organization, in charge of the executive committee of doctoral exam in the majors of art research and comparative and analytical history of Islamic art. He has also been the executive director of the entrance examination of photography and sculpture majors.

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