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The opening of the 7th Annual Photo Exhibition of Photography Students of University of Tehran was held at Tehran Gallery in University of Tehran, on Saturday, December 23rd, 2023, 2 to 3 PM with the presence of students, teachers and photography enthusiasts. From the third Annual Photo Exhibition of University of Tehran onwards, the tradition of donating the Annual Exhibition to one of our teachers or influential people in Iranian academic photography was established. Firstly, the third exhibition was dedicated to the late Hadi Shafaieh, then the fourth exhibition was dedicated to our beloved teacher Dr. Mohammad Satari, the fifth exhibition was dedicated to the late Dr. Mohsen Habibi, and the sixth exhibition was dedicated to Yahya Dehghanpour. In continuation of this tradition, the 7th Annual Photo Exhibition of University of Tehran was dedicated to our dear teacher Mehrdad Nadjmabadi, in order to thank him for his generous and kind efforts in the photography department of University of Tehran. The 7th Annual Photo Exhibition coincided with the 40th year of the establishment of photography major at the University of Tehran, and for this reason, the Annual Photo Exhibition executive team presented a documentary entitled “Photography of Fine Arts“, a review of forty years of photography in College of Fine Arts, University of Tehran, which can be watched here.

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